Hearts on Fire! (Music Book)
Hearts on Fire! (Music Book)
(sheet music booklet)
This collection is an eclectic mix of musical styles from upbeat and joyful to meditative and calming.
“Holy Spirit, Come!” and “Hearts on Fire!” pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
“Love Is the Reason” and “Christ in All Creation” express Franciscan incarnational theology.
“We Long for Peace” and” Loving Light” are soothing mantras. “Now Is the Time” and “The Courage to Love” exhort us to live out the call to justice and equality for all.
Christ in All Creation
Keyboard, Guitar, SATB/ Flute/ Violin/ Worship aidHearts on Fire!
Keyboard, Guitar, SATB/ Clarinet in Bb/ Worship aidHoly Spirit, Come!
Keyboard, Guitar, SATB/ Alto Sax/ Worship aid
Love Is the Reason
Keyboard, Guitar, SATB/ Flute/ Worship aid
Loving Light
Keyboard, SATB/ Violin/ Worship aid
Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of Christ
Keyboard, Guitar, SATB/ Cello/ Worship aid
Now Is the Time
Keyboard, Guitar. SATB/ Flute/ Worship aid
Pentecost Sequence
Keyboard, Cantor, Choir/ Flute/ Worship aid
Prayer before the Crucifix
Keyboard, SATB, cantor/ Oboe/ Worship aid
The Courage to Love
Keyboard, Guitar, SATB/ C Instrument/ Worship aid
We Long for Peace
Keyboard, Guitar, SATB/ Oboe / Worship aid
Who Do You Say That I Am?
Keyboard, Guitar, SATB/ Flute/ Worship aid